Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I skated last night...

I can't believe it!!! I actually had the nerve to put my skates back on my feet and try to skate again and I didn't fall down. ~woohoo~ I've had too many knee surgeries to risk falling down but I did it anyway and don't regret it. I know I'm out of shape and this is the way that I plan on changing the way I look and feel about myself. I've been down in the dumps since late July and nothing seems to motivate me and maybe this will do the trick (since changing my hair color didn't work)...hopefully a change of scenery and a change of faces will do me some good.
I met up with my old friend John and Sister K joined us. We had decided that no one would show up on a Tuesday night to skate but we had four others join us and one guy on a skateboard joined us also. Although we only skated for a couple of hours, my inner thighs are sore today and my right knee, well actually my shin, hurts a little bit. Some of the pains could be from me favoring one knee over the other and the fact that my right skate kept trying to fall apart. When you've got no tools with you, it really sucks having to stop every few blocks to make sure the plate isn't separating from the boot...

I'm no roller girl, but in my heyday I'd give 'em a run for their money...


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