Thursday, February 16, 2006

And Now Baby H...

Daughter H was on the phone when I got home from work yesterday. Seems she and her so-called boyfriend have broken up and he was whining on the phone to her. I, being the nosey fucker I am, asked what happened. Seems she's caught him lying to her and he was on the phone telling her he'd ate poison because she dumped him. How I only wish some of my exes would eat poison or better yet, fall off of the planet and never to be seen or heard from again!!! The only thing this jaded woman could say was "What do you expect? He's a man and they all lie. As soon as you accept the fact that they're all a pack of liars and/or cheaters and to expect nothing from them except for lies, cheating, and deceit, you'll be a much better person. If you expect nothing from them, you're not disappointed when they give you nothing except shit." Daughter H has learned from her jaded mama. I also heard her tell him that if he has shortness of breath, his nose is bleeding and if he's puking blood that he needs to go to the hospital because she's not going to help him. ha This sounds like history is repeating itself because I know I've said some very evil things to men before. Like the time I got a call from Mr. W and he told me that he hated my guts and wished I was dead. All I could say was "The feelings are mutual. Why did you call?" All I heard was a click on the phone when he hung up on me. Two days later, he was dead and for sometime after that, I blamed myself. I could only be so lucky as to have that strong of a will that I could "wish" death on someone. The path of my life would be scattered with the dead bodies of those I'd wished it upon.
I can only hope that it's the real deal that she's broken up with him. I didn't particularly like the fact that he won't come over to the house when I'm home because he's scared of me. I've never spoken 3 words to him...don't know why he'd be scared. Maybe intimidated by my "go to hell" looks but by nothing I've ever said to him before. I also didn't like the fact that he has a mouthful of gold. It looks ridiculous and makes me think he's got a mouthful of rotten teeth. Daughter H swears that his teeth are ok that this is a fashion statement. ha I'm glad I'm old and out of style...


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