Monday, February 27, 2006

It Seems Someone is Angry with Me...again?

Cousin B is pissed because...hmmm...I'm not really sure of the reason but I think it was the email I sent to him questioning his sanity. Why in the hell did he invite Joe Schmoe to go to the Mardi Gras in Galveston with us unless he is completely out of his mind? Why would he ask such a whiny guy to go with us? Doesn't he remember this whiny bitch boy at the beach last year? He should know from experience that not everyone can hang with the "big dogs". Does he not remember the time that Gina went out with Sister K and I and she puked in the floor at the bar and I had to drag her big ass out of the place? Then she puked on the doorknob so I wiped the puke on her clothes and made her ride home in the back of the truck...she's not "big dog" material. From the time we got there, Joe Schmoe whined like a baby..."it's too cold." Did the stupid fuck not watch the weather channel before going to the beach in February? Maybe Cousin B is mad because we went to another bar after the Mardi Gras. If he didn't have selective hearing, he would've known in advance our plans. He chose to be pissed because of an email and has yet to have the guts to reply to me (do I know a bunch of cowardly men or what?).


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