Friday, November 30, 2007

Long time, no post

It's been forever since I've posted over here but I'm ready to start it going again. I've been hanging out at myspace too much and to be perfectly honest, some of the people that read my blog over there need to stfu and mind their own business most of the time...especially those narrow-minded fucks who don't actually post their comments but send me messages instead.
This is a recent comment I received: "I am sorry things are not as you wish. You are stronger than that and I know it. Make changes to bring into your life what you want. You rock and you always have!!!!!" This person is obviously huffing paint or snorting heroin...WTF does that mean? "Make changes to bring into your life what you want." And just exactly how am I going to do that??? Get another job so I'll have more money and be able to pay my bills on time??? Demand a raise at my current job although I've got no education and should be happy to be paid what I make now??? Go back to school??? Yeah, right. I know people mean well and unless they've walked a mile in my shoes, they need to mind their own business and worry about their own yourself a spouse with your big ol' fat wallet and make it known to the world how you did it, flaunt around town with a married person and think that nothing will happen to your dumbass, wave your magickal witchy-poo wand around and think that it really makes a difference, try to screw around with anything with a pulse while you've got a perfectly good spouse waiting for you at home, drink like a fish until your liver quits functioning and THEN tell me that you don't think that I've any brain cells left...(hypocrite!) and if and when I quit smoking cigarettes again, don't bitch/whine at me because I'm cranky. Do you think this is something that I do not know? I've just about had it with my family members also...I think one is such an opinionated ass that it's almost unbearable and her daughter needs a swift kick in the ass. I want to punch her in the mouth sometimes...but I've kept the promise that I made to myself by not striking someone that I think is stupid/ignorant or arrogant. I think Daughter H has mental problems and Son J...well, I'm not quite sure what his problem is other than sheer laziness. Whew! I feel much better since I've vented...thank you for your time!