Monday, December 15, 2008

Pammy in Iraq ~ December, 2008

Here's cousin Pammy up to no good in Iraq. This should be surprising to me but it's not...her family and mine are one in the same and it's a genetic defect. That's what I always say when I do something crazy...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dickens on the Strand ~ Galveston, TX 2008

Friends K & J also went to Dickens on the Strand the night before I went. The pic above is her view of Dickens on the

Yes, Sister K & I went to Galveston last Sunday for Dickens on the Strand and here's the only proof that I was there. I don't know why I didn't take any pics of something "Dickens" related. I took a pic of a bunch of horses and cowboys...damn.

Monday, December 01, 2008

My friend, Barbie

Yep, that's her. She was in town from Denver this past weekend and I took this remarkable pic in the dark (damn near) with my cell phone. If you look closely, her sister Diane is right beside of her. We were at the Alabama Ice House and must've been having a good time because I don't remember taking this picture! :-)