Thursday, March 23, 2006

Horoscope 3-23-06

Mar 23
If something doesn't make sense to you, question it. Be strong, bold, and confident. Don't let others take advantage of your soft, sensitive, and nurturing personality. Your general tendency is to give more than you receive, yet this may leave you feeling tremendously depleted. Put an end to this cycle. Be conscious of how you distribute your energy. Do something for yourself.

What a crock!!! Strong, bold & confident...ha ha I think I might have been confident at one point in my life before I let men into it...
Soft, sensitive and nurturing personality...all of the traits are gone now, thanks to being screwed over numerous times.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Portuguese Man of War

Reminds me of when I got stung by one of those man-o-wars...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Galveston TX 3/18-3/19/06

My friend Nurse Jana has a severe case of drag-ass. She called me earlier in the week and asked if I wanted to join her in a trip to the island to visit CPA Joni. The beach in March? Sure, why not? Needless to say she was late when she picked me up...about 3 hours late. I was quite upset at not getting to see the beach before the sunset but at least I was there and with good company and I knew that we'd get up the next AM & go to the beach at least for an hour or so. We drank plenty of beer and ate plenty of food while watching TV that night. When I finally got my bed (air mattress) together and laid down to watch "Walk the Line", I fell asleep after about 30 minutes of the movie. The next morning, we got up early and headed for the beach. The sun was out but it was cool on the beach and the wind was beyond belief. CPA Joni had said earlier that the surfers were out in full force the day before since the wind had cause big waves. Imagine that? Waves in Galveston when there's not a hurricane in the Gulf... We found all kinds of shells but none like we'd found a couple of years earlier. Lots of broken shells on the beach and also a lot of Portuguese man-o-wars. (I read too much on this site...I'm scared of the water again) We left the beach after about an hour or so and when we got back to the condo, CPA Joni made us waffles with strawberries. I again stuffed myself and had burnt lettuce for dessert. We left headed home around noon...I could've stayed all day but Nurse Jana had things to do at home. The weekend left me feeling refreshed with a much need rest. The upcoming weekend is a different story...

Friday, March 17, 2006 more Dr. til next month

I went to my Dr. appointment yesterday and was told that he didn't think I needed the last of the series of steroid shots. What a relief!!! With the luck I have, three would be the charm for me and I wouldn't wake up from the anesthesia. Some of you might think that would be a good thing if I didn't wake and the "regular girl" would be hurt by this but I'm determined to live a long life...even if it kills me. Besides, I've got no feelings (yes, it's true! I'm an insensitive clod thanks to all of the liars/cheaters that I've dealt with...don't make me call you by name...I know you're reading this) so nothing you can say will hurt me.
Back to the original story...Dr. S said everything is looking good and if I need to come back before my next appointment (in 1 month) please call. I've got plenty of prescriptions for pills if I need them but I'm not taking the ones I've still got so that's a good sign. Does that mean I'm off the wagon? Yes...most definitely but I've decided that I'm going to teach myself how to "socially" drink. You know what I to have a couple of drinks and not have the need to get shit-faced drunk like I usually do. A lot of that stemmed from me being in pain...both kinds...physically and mentally. I've determined that I'm already mentally damaged merchandise and that no one actually wants someone like that so I'm out of the dating scene for eternity...yes, that's right ETERNITY!!! Since I'm full of the best kind of steroids that money can buy, I'm going to take advantage of it by skating and biking again. I've volunteered for the Houston Roller Derby but don't know what kind of skills I might have that they will need. I know for a fact that I can sell tickets or serve beer very well if given the opportunity but I'll wait and see what chore I'm given. I'm waaay too old for the derby itself although there are several that are older than me. I don't see myself being able to be in the derby since I've only jousted several times before and hitting is not allowed so that counts me out. I know I'd beat the crap outta some unsuspecting soul and don't want to do that. Besides, they didn't have a thing to do with how I am now and I shouldn't whip up on the innocent. I've got a fun filled weekend planned for the beach so hopefully the weather will cooperate with me. If not, I've got rubber boots and a rain coat and know how to wear them well. Will post more on Sunday after my exciting weekend comes to a close...take care y'all.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My horoscope for ironic!!!

You are likely to feel a burst of energy today, LISA, that encourages you to engage with others in fun, creative projects. Join up with a group of musicians and rock the night away. It is OK to spend a good part of the day up the clouds. This is where you operate the best. There is no need to resist this tendency. If other people get frustrated by your otherworldly attitude, that is their problem, not yours.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Me & Cousin Pam ~ Christmas 2005

Monday, March 06, 2006

I Miss My Friend

My Horriblescope for this week...

You are in the mood to bring your goals, dreams, and desires to birth. You can't bear to wait any longer for someone else to make the first move. There is a restless energy in the air, which you are finding it hard to contain. But Mercury in your sign continues to be retrograde. So don't sign any deals or new contracts yet. It is better to continue to research and get all the information you need. You are looking for new ways to forge ahead as the tried and trusted methods seemed to lose their appeal some time ago. This is as it should be. You will do better if you try to be as original as possible. Venus in Aquarius may indicate the need to keep a few secrets. You may not be meaning to confuse others, but you don't want to spell out exactly what is happening either. Thursday is great for having fun and garnering those perfect opportunities. Saturday will be very frustrating, especially where home and family matters are concerned. Don't take any major risks. Mars squares Uranus, so a newfound impatience could get the better of you if you are not careful. Stay cool!
wtf? Newfound impatience? Oh yeah. That's right. I'm patient AND understanding. I forgot... For some reason, my horoscopes NEVER make any sense to me. It's like having tarot cards sense to me.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Texas Independence Day!!!

HAPPY TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!! In observance please remember to get drunk & shoot's your heritage.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My horoscope for today 3-1-06

Feel free to speak up today. It may be that no one has heard your point of view in a while, and more than likely, it is incredibly important for them to hear it. Just because people may not come right and out and ask you your opinion doesn't mean that it isn't valid. You have incredible intuitive insight that others don't have. Don't assume that they know what you are thinking even though you probably know what they are.
ok...who wants to hear my opinion on something? Don't be afraid to ask...