Tuesday, August 09, 2005

OH NO!!!

I just caught myself singing along with Tim McGraw & the next song was Toby Keith...I knew the words to it also. My world is coming to an end!!!


Monday, August 08, 2005

Isn't killing your neighbor a sin?

OK, I didn't kill her but she was flying really low & about to get her ass kicked so I went home. She doesn't like the fact that I give her shit about being a pill-head. I think she'd eat any pill that anyone gave her if they told her she'd get high & that's sad. What's even sadder is that she drinks when taking these pills & no telling how many she takes @ one time. I've already told her family & friends (I've told her also) that I don't like being around her when she's all messed up but I think they're waiting to find her dead from an OD or something because no one seems to say anything to her about it...at least when I'm around anyway. She's tried to call me twice today but I'm too busy @ work to talk on my cell phone & I think it would be best if I waited a few days to cool off or I'll let her have it. She's probably all messed up anyway & doesn't have a clue that I'm pissed @ her.
Will update later...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Stalking Ideas?

Since I've done so many different things, I think I'd like to try stalking now.
I've no idea of whom I might stalk but I've got several good candidates.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this successfully & without detection?
I'd really just like to irritate & scare the shit out of a few good men.
(ok I'll retract the last statement about the good men...I don't know any.
I know many good for nothing men though.)
Any stalkers out there?


1. Introduction:
Stalking can fun and exciting. It's an activity that can be shared and enjoyed by many. People of all ages can take partake in this family activity. For example a stalking group, or a stalking clan. What I would do is to gather a bunch of people with the same interests and plan to stalk a single person for a week or two. This can be fun because it can be made into a cooperative effort or it can be competitive. (Cooperative being the most easy one to do; competitive being the most difficult) There are many different ways to stalk, and these can be made into games that are very enjoyable. The whole stalking process is to get as close to your victim as possible. So close that you know more about them then their parents. Stalking is very exciting as well. You constantly get an adrenaline' rushes when you stalk. You also feel a bit closer to your victim, it is a mysterious bond that few can understand and appreciate. Stalking is a fine art form that can be mastered and sharpened by continuous stalking. Remember it is an art form. Stalking is useful in the real world as well, government offices usually hire stalkers of their own, but they are called by different names. You can also work for a good Private Investigation firm; this is your best bet if you’re looking for a career. But your stalking skills must be really good (main skill being patience!).
Unless your stalker group is very well funded, I recommend that you choose a victim that lives in the local area. DO NOT stalk your next door neighbor, for this is very stupid.
A good stalker tries not to get caught. Thus that a stalker may stalk another day. So it is important to trust your instincts. If your gut feeling tells you not to stalk tonight, then don't. If your instinct tells you to jet and not get discovered then do. Most of the time your instinct is correct. A stalkers instinct is very valuable.
It is often very good to focus on your victim, but one must also pay attention to ones surroundings. Too often do good stalkers lose ones stalking abilities (due to run-ins with Mr.Police Man) because he was not aware where he was. Do not rush in. A stalkers playground is one that he is familiar with.

Stalking Materials:
Good stalking shoes (this is important if you plan to walk alot)
Stalking pants (these can be very nice pants, but not too colorful)
Good set of eyes, ears and other sensory devices (These are valuable)
Good mind focused on stalking (W/ Common Sense Folks)
Telephone book (Old as well as updated versions)
Library Card (Research)
Abilities to communicate well
Natural stalking instincts
Automobile (Sometimes necessary)
Some money
Binoculars (watch your prey from a distance)

Selecting your prey:
First, find someone you like to stalk and then find out where they live. Then find out what their name is. Usually, you can find out where they live in the good old phonebook. And usually you can find their phone numbers as well. Once you do that, you’re of to a great start. You can even start calling your victim. You must be careful however; they might have caller ID. This is a bit annoying. You should always call from a place other then your home, or if you want to call anyway just dial *67 before inputting the phone number. This way it will come up as a 'private number' on their caller id. In most cases people won't answer 'private numbers'. But you'll never know. Or sometimes you victim might scan their phones with an answering machine. This can be fun too, then you'll at least get to hear their voice. Leave a message if you want too, just don't go threaten them or anything. We don’t want your victim to know that they’re being stalked… yet.
Then get out a recent street map of your area. I use the ADC street map book. After that it's just the matter of familiarizing your self with the area they live. Find different ways to get to their house. Then you should drive around their neighborhood a couple of times. It's trilling and fun to see your victim out one Sunday morning working in the yard or something. You can begin your physical stalking right then and there, like you can walk around their house and peek inside the windows or something. But beware some houses are equipped with dogs. If you want to be daring and break into their house (I don’t recommend this yet, at this point) do it around at night, preferably around 4am or 3am. Just be sure to wear a jogging outfit, not a ninja suit.
It is a good idea to observe your victim for a few days. Find out his/her natural patterns. Everyone has them. Get a good idea of when they get up in the morning, and when they go to work. What days do they take out the trash Etc Etc. Regular patterns are a common weakness among people, everybody.
The core objective is not getting noticed. Now I can’t teach you exactly how not to get noticed, but I can tell you what things you do that will get you noticed. Read the below list of common precautions:

Laws Against Stalking:
"Most statutes define stalking as the willful, malicious and repeated following and harassing of another person. But in addition to a pattern of conduct, many state laws mandate that an imminent, credible threat of violence must be made against the victim for the activity to be considered stalking. The definition of what constitutes a credible threat varies. Some states, for example, specify that the threat to kill or do bodily harm must be put into actual words."
So from this several rules should be made:
Do not threaten your victim
Do not get caught on their property (they will have you arrested for trespassing)
Do not do violence, stalking is not about violence and you should never physically hurt anybody!
Your stalking career can be shortened if you choose the bull in technique to stalking. No Macho BS here folks, and do NOT threaten your victim that will get you arrested right away. I think my definition of stalking is different then most. When you think of stalking you tend to think of the jealous boyfriend type. Or the one poor sap who is fixiated upon a innocent woman (Innocent HA!) These types are the ones who calls all the time, and just generally sit out side of a house. They’re victims are usually scared to death. No that is not the Xiaoxin way to stalk. When I think of stalking I tend to...

hmmm...it ends there...no more. http://www.miccah.com/xiaoxin/stalk.htm

Friday!!! payday & broke again..

Just got paid today & now I'm broke. Paid the mortgage...guess that's a good thing but I'm not sure of what I'll have to eat next week.
A friend called late last nite & wanted to know if I wanted to go Galveston on Sat. for the day & since I'm broke, I might as well. It beats the hell outta sitting at the house. Hitch a ride down there & back...I think I've got cigarette money & maybe a little beer money.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Things I've Learned...

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in...
I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.
I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty things.
I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of your kids did it .
I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away and the real pains in the rear are permanent.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Wierd Notes Left to Me

This AM when I arrived @ work, I had accidentally left a notepad with some phrases that I had written. Below is what I had wrote but what wierd is the reply I received from a co-worker who is unknown to me...

Patiently waiting by the phone for a call that'll never come.
Trying hard to hold back the tears she knows will fall.

Everone thinks you're something you're not.
Sometimes you want to cry but that would ruin your image.
Tough girls don't cry.

Self-centered man has no time for me.
What can I do to make him see?
He hurt my feeling and made me cry.
I'm not the one who wanted to say goodbye.

Before you dump me on the side of the road,
can I have a smoke?

Every picture moment, she holds close to her heart.
She looks at them every night and gets all torn apart.
She struggles with him on her mind each and every day.
Why is the breaking of a heart such a heavy price to pay?

It's only love...kick me again.


A dark figure in the shadows stands
no sight have they, nor even a face or a hand
Watching the happy couples as the dance by
unnoticed it stand, a single tear it cries.

Beneath this dark, lies an amored knight.
His heart in tatters but his blade is bright.
Eyes that have burned, now smoulder low
The voice that shouted glad cries is now fallow
Once, love he held, and for it gave all

Now the bold one has taken a fall
A silent cry in the fading light
But hope is eternal
For at least one more night.

Sadly he turns and walks away
Knowing that he must wait at least one more day.
Hoping "she" is out there and fearing it too.
Another broken heart might be the end of him, too.

And there's a picture drawn of a sword on the handwritten page...

(To me this note is written: Sorry I snooped in your poem but, if it makes ya feel better, you're not alone)

It made me cry...it seems I'm not the only one jaded here @ the work place.