Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Do I remember this?

No, but I know who it is...

I'm really ok...

Well the past weekend passed me by while I lay in bed sick as a dog. I missed a lot of live music that I really wanted to see...Aaron Watson at the Firehouse, Jack Ingram at the Galveston Co. Fair, Cooder Graw and Jesse Dayton at the Crawfish Festival in Spring and Scott H. Biram at the Continental Club. While I doubt very seriously that anyone actually missed me, it sucked being at home most of the weekend because of a cold. Thursday AM, I awoke to the feeling of sinus drainage in my throat...Friday AM, it had moved from draining in my throat to my head. I blew my nose until it was chapped but I still felt kinda ok...not bad but not good either. Saturday AM was another story. My head was so clogged up it felt as if it was the size of a basketball and no amount of over-the-counter medicine made me feel any better so I slept and slept and slept... Sleep didn't seem to make me feel any better until about 9 PM that night. I woke up feeling a little better and I was just in time to watch a marathon of the Godfather, Godfather Part II and Godfather Part III. Since I'd never seen the first one, I finally watched it. This movie has been out since 1972 (30+ years) and I don't know where I've been all that time because I'd never seen it and I wouldn't watch part II or part III because I'd never seen the first one. After this weekend, I'm an authority on Italians...especially the Sicilians. I think I watched the same channel for over 24 hours and it was still playing when I changed it. I'm feeling better today...not like myself but I'm still taking medicine so hopefully I'll be able to attend the roller derby Saturday night. I just looked at my calendar...Friday night I've got a couple of things to do that would make my weekend complete but I'm not counting my chickens until they're hatched. Why go see live music when you're ears are clogged?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

More of Easter 2006

Anthony & his Grandma, Lisa...

Easter 2006

Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Babbling about myself...

As usual, I had plans for the weekend but my body would not cooperate with my mind. What I had in mind was to go and see Eleven Hundred Springs at the Armadillo Palace Friday night and then Saturday, I would head downtown for a crawfish festival to see Charlie Robison and Jack Ingram. What actually happened was that I sat at home Friday and Saturday night. Sure, I had been out Thursday night to see my friend Attorney Carrie and Daughter Jasmine perform in "The King and I" at Miller Outdoor Theatre but I wanted to see my friends www.elevenhundredsprings.com Friday night and have crawfish on Saturday while watching www.charlierobison.com and www.jackingram.net but my headache would not allow me to go anywhere Friday night. I sat at home and ate pills...handfuls. My head hurt so bad, I thought it was going to explode but when I woke up Saturday morning, I felt great...the best I'd felt in weeks so I decided to clean my filthy house. It wasn't exactly filthy but it hadn't been vacuumed/swept/mopped properly in weeks. By the time I got through, I was exhausted so the neighborhood kids got together at the house and had a barbeque. Someone brought me some beer to drink and I drank it and had someone go back and buy me more...which I found the next morning in the freezer right where I had left it. I felt good Sunday morning and that was a good thing because I'd volunteered for the Roller Derby. www.houstonrollerderby.com I was supposed to be there between 3:30 and 4:00 and of course, I was there at exactly 4 because I've got a sister with a case of drag-ass. We can never make it early any place I go with her but it was all good. There would have been a lot of standing around and doing nothing anyway. The derby itself was fun to watch but for people trying to get into the place, it was a cluster fuck. It had been a long time since I'd seen so much disorganization but it was in the true skater tradition and disorganization is a key word. They've got all kinds of plans to correct the situation for the next one which takes place on Saturday, April 29th. I saw a lot of people that I knew there and a few that I'd hoped I'd never have to see again but I had a great time. I was stationed at first near the front door which again I will mention was a CLUSTER FUCK for the first part of the evening and then (thank the gods) a roller girl needed assistance with the handicapped section. Yes, it is true. I was the police for the handicapped section...fitting, right? I liked telling people to move out of the handicapped section...I told a couple of the skaters that they were standing in the handicapped section and they said "Have you seen us skate? We ARE handicapped!!!" Great fun was had by all. If you've never been to the roller derby, be sure to check it out.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Daily Horoscope 4-10-06

Try not to be fooled by others who are not really straight with you. If you don't know the person very well, and you aren't sure about them, trust your instincts. Because you tend to care so much for others, it can be easy for you to feel sorry for someone and bend over backward to help. Make sure that the person you give help to really deserves it and is telling you the whole story. Taking this extra time can save you problems down the road.

In other words, do not trust anyone. All of my trust flew out the window in July of last year so this won't happen to me...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm a volunteer for the Roller Derby!!!

Sister K and I decided that we needed to volunteer for the roller derby. I'm far too old (body wise...in my mind I'm about 25) to join up so I thought it would be best if I volunteered and sat on the sidelines. :-( In true skater tradition, they are the most disorganized bunch that I've been around in a long time...and I loved it. The right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing and it was a major cluster fuck but somehow I got the position of a ticket taker or something like that. I'm not quite sure...all I know is that I have to be there at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon and I'm stationed at a table in the front where all of the people that already have tickets or the VIP's get in. ~woohoo~ I get to mingle with the VIP's. (there's a joke in there somewhere) Details of the roller derby and possibly photos will follow in the coming days...stay tuned.

It must have been those pills I took...

You may find yourself waking up to a cloudy haze in which you are dulled by the sporadic movement in your brain. Emotionally, you may find it very hard to make a decision about something, even though you are feeling called to do so. There are so many choices and you want them all. The good news is that you should feel much more clearheaded and stable by the time evening rolls around.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Horoscopes are stupid

You may feel neglected and unloved all day. If you're single, you may even feel worse. Cheer up, because if you are running around with such a depressed and dramatic expression on your face, nobody will feel like asking you out. Try to make yourself happy by doing things you like to do. If you have a smile on your face, you will be a magnet for someone who has love to give.

(like I care...)